My Birth Counts Survey

My Birth Counts Survey

My Birth Counts Option 2
My Birth Counts Survey
The Need

To date in India there is no nationally representative, periodic survey related to evidence-based maternity care and the mistreatment of women when seeking perinatal services.

Private hospitals have few reporting requirements available to the public, and government institutions track only basic outcomes such as mode of delivery and outcome for woman and baby. This lack of transparency protects the interests of private hospitals and not of the patients.

The BBN Solution

In response to the lack of detailed data on the treatment of women and the use of medical intervention in maternity care, BBN developed the ‘My Birth Counts Survey’. 

The objectives of the survey are to:

1) Establish a baseline of data regarding evidence-based, non-evidence-based and respectful maternity care practices.

2) Provide these aggregate data to consumers, practitioners, policymakers and stakeholders to empower better-informed choices in improving the quality of maternity care and policy in India.

The MBC Survey is an online, computer-based, self-administered survey in English if you are over 18 and have had a baby in the last five years in India.

The Need

To date in India there is no nationally representative, periodic survey related to evidence-based maternity care and the mistreatment of women when seeking perinatal services.

Private hospitals have few reporting requirements available to the public, and government institutions track only basic outcomes such as mode of delivery and outcome for woman and baby. This lack of transparency protects the interests of private hospitals and not of the patients.

The BBN Solution

In response to the lack of detailed data on the treatment of women and the use of medical intervention in maternity care, BBN developed the ‘My Birth Counts Survey’. 

The objectives of the survey are to:

1) Establish a baseline of data regarding evidence-based, non-evidence-based and respectful maternity care practices.

2) Provide these aggregate data to consumers, practitioners, policymakers and stakeholders to empower better-informed choices in improving the quality of maternity care and policy in India.

The MBC Survey is an online, computer-based, self-administered survey in English if you are over 18 and have had a baby in the last five years in India.

My Birth Counts Survey